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The Labor Market Information Division of the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) publishes employment projections by both industry and occupation. These projections available in both short-term (two-year) and long-term (ten-year) varieties. Projections are a required deliverable of the Workforce Information Grant that DEW receives from the Employment and Training Administration within the U.S. Department of Labor. This is done in concert with the Projections Management Partnership (PMP), which is a national consortium of DEW and its peer agencies that provides software and other resources to develop projections.

Note: The requirements for publishing occupational employment projections are changing effective the 2024 program year. ETA is no longer requiring states to produce two-year occupational employment projections. Both the two-year and mid-term occupational employment projections will be optional for states.

For more information about projections, visit the PMP website at