Research Publications
Below is a list of recent reports and other items produced by the Labor Market Information Division of the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce that seek to provide actionable research for policymakers, private industry, and others about our state.
Industry Projections - Catawba - 2020-2030
Industry Projections - Greenville - 2020 - 2030
Industry Projections - Low Country - 2020 - 2030
Industry Projections - Lower Savannah - 2020 - 2030
Industry Projections - Midlands - 2020 - 2030
Industry Projections - Pee Dee - 2020 - 2030
Industry Projections - Santee Lynches - 2020 - 2030
Industry Projections - Trident - 2020 - 2030
Industry Projections - Upper Savannah - 2020 - 2030
Industry Projections - Upstate - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections - Catawba - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections - Greenville - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections – Low Country - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections - Lower Savannah - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections - Midlands - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections Pee Dee - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections - Santee Lynches - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections - Trident - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections - Upper Savannah - 2020 - 2030
Occupational Projections - Upstate - 2020 - 2030
Below is a list of recent reports and other items produced by the Labor Market Information Division of the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce that seek to provide data and analysis to job seekers about the labor market of our state.
Below is a list of less current reports and other items produced by the Labor Market Information Division of the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce.
SC Average Hourly Earnings by Industry - 2007 - 2017
SC Average Hourly Earnings by Industry - 2007 - 2019
SC Worker & Industry Employment Stats
Employment Outcomes for South Carolina Post-Secondary Graduates
South Carolina Private-Sector Employment Worker Age
2016 South Carolina Industry Analysis
South Carolina Construction and Manufacturing Industry Trends
How Have Central Region Commuting Patterns Changed in the 21st Century
How Have Pee Dee Region Commuting Patterns Changed in the 21st Century
How Have South Coast Region Commuting Patterns Changed in the 21st Century
How Have Upstate Region Commuting Patterns Changed in the 21st Century
SC WIOA Regions 2017 Commuting Patterns
An In-depth Analysis of the State’s Workforce
An In-depth Analysis of the State’s Workforce
View the ten selected counties having the highest differential between inflow and outflow commuters.
South Carolina Commuting Patterns
Anderson County Commuting Patterns
Berkeley County Commuting Patterns
Charleston County Commuting Patterns
Dorchester County Commuting Patterns
Greenville County Commuting Patterns
Kershaw County Commuting Patterns
Lexington County Commuting Patterns
Oconee County Commuting Patterns
Seeing how the arts can assist students in learning, STEM has morphed in STEAM. The two tools below take a look at the current condition, future workforce needs, and comparisons of workforce supply versus employer demand of STEAM jobs in South Carolina.
An Analysis of Supply and Demand for the STEAM Workforce in South Carolina
These items were delivered at the 2015 SC Education and Business Summit and are geared toward school career counselors and teachers. They include several data sources for information on the job market that will aid in career and/or college.
These publications present information regarding the top 20 fastest-growing occupations, top 20 occupations with the greatest number of job openings, and top occupations by education level in South Carolina and for the 12 Local Workforce Investment Areas around the state.
Greenville Occupational Outlook
Low Country Occupational Outlook
Lower Savannah Occupational Outlook
Santee Lynches Occupational Outlook
Upper Savannah Occupational Outlook
This series of maps represent current Workforce Development Areas and Metropolitan Statistical Areas for South Carolina and the new boundaries that have been defined by the Census.