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This page displays detailed data on Industry Projections. Use the Filter options to change the selections displayed in the table and data visualizations.

Program Description

Estimates of nonagricultural employment and expected job growth and decline for industries are projected for a ten year period and are revised every two years. Data supporting the industry projections are derived from a monthly survey of employers (Current Employment Statistics Program) and a quarterly tax report from employers (QCEW program). These programs are part of a cooperative effort between the State and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to measure employment.

Industry employment projections are obtained through regression analysis using historical employment data, with consideration of economic and demographic factors. Data are produced using the Projections Suite software system, a national standard which is a product of the Projections Workgroup under the direction of the Projections Managing Partnership (PMP) working in cooperation with the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor and developed by the Utah Department of Workforce Services, Workforce Information Division, Systems Research & Analysis. The data reflect the number of jobs in an industry, not the number of people, since no attempt is made to correct for multiple job-holding. Jobs include both full-time and part-time.